The attorneys at Flink Maswick frequently serve clients that need wills, living wills, health care proxies, trusts and powers of attorney. We have represented people with life stages as diverse as elderly single people, college students, young married couples with and without children, and established businessmen and women. There is no time too early to make these arrangements and express your wishes in writing; otherwise, laws in New York State will govern the distribution of your assets, possibly to those which you do not wish to have them.
A will does not have to be forever either; life circumstances change and the document can be modified to reflect your new wishes. We work with clients who make decisions to do this frequently.
We can also evaluate your situation and if you will benefit from a complex or specific style of trust or other estate planning tool, refer you to a firm with which we enjoy an 'of counsel' relationship that can assist with these matters.
We also represent estates and executors and administrators involved in a probate or administration proceedings. Most frequently, these pro forma affairs are uncontroversial. Hiring counsel as an executor or administrator is still the best course of action, as we can guide you through the paperwork associated with distributing the estate's assets, meeting your fiduciary duties and closing the estate. Sometime, litigation results in Surrogate's Court matters and our attorneys have experience handling these matters as well.
The attorneys of Flink Maswick Law have also handled guardianship cases for clients including contested cases that have involved a trial. This involves advocating for a person alleged to be incapacitated/arguing for who would be best served as a guardian for the incapacitated person.
Contact info
Lake Placid Office:
2577 Main Street
Lake Placid, New York 12946
Lake Placid Number:
Fax: 518-523-2442
Capital District Contact Info
43 British American Boulevard
Albany, New York 12110
By Appointment Only